Fixed a tooltip issue when hovering above the Armor Class value Fixed Pheromone duration being incorrectly calculated after loading a save Added a missing quest marker to a certain mansion Fixed an error that could trigger at the end of the Lowlife Background QUest Fixed a lighting issue on the Character Portrait & Inventory Fixed a certain Schrödinger boss incorrectly being displayed as both dead and alive after loading a save Added an Idle animation in combat to Ghasts Changed Crossbow Bolt icons to avoid mistaking them with Arrows Added a Dodge animation to Eagle Matriarchs Fixed missing VFX & Light on Sacred Weapon Fixed Strike of Oblivion color to match Necrotic damage Fixed Ray of Enfeeblement projectile moving super slowly Fixed Flying Snakes and Fire Osprey moving multiple times after attacking for no particular reason Fixed female halfling animations going banana and clipping all over the place Fixed a HUGE missing component of the end game fight. Fixed Acid Arrow "acidified" condition sometimes being removed too early Counterspell can now correctly fail when targeting spells above level 3 Re-added a missing cutscene in Halman's House Fixed Cog of Cohh not properly giving +2 CHA It showed the initiative bonus but it didn't give any. Fixed Dwarven Bread not being equippable. Fixed 6 League Boots incorrectly doubling your movement speed instead of giving you an additional cell of movement All in-game backer items are now identified by default Fixed some long duration AoE spells not being visible when cast directly on a character Fixed some issues with Chinese Localization Crafting Tooltip now displays the crafted item tooltip even if missing the ingredients Fixed magic items crafted or bought from vendors sometimes not being identified. Fixed an issue with the Arena Quest where the door could get stuck, blocking quest progression

Fixed AI sometimes using a bonus action to do an additional main action attack instead. jpg file with the same name than that of your dungeon in the custom dungeon folder. Dungeon Maker: You can now add a Thumbnail to your Custom Dungeon when uploading them by having a. Fixed a "white dice" appearing when attacking multiple times too quickly The Landing Plaza in Caer Cyflen has some new decoration that it shouldn't have

Some people have a black screen / weird clouds when starting a new campaign. If you're playing from an Early Access save, Bring the Sword back to Merton has a bugged cutscene that prevents you from completing it Beards are not always properly affixed to the characters' face These corrupted saves will be fixed in a future patch. Do not equip the Orc Javelin, Orc Shortbow or Ogre Javelin - saving while having one of these item equipped will corrupt the save, preventing you from loading it later.