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Get the embed code Charly Black - Caribe Latino Album Lyrics1.Gyal You A Party Animal (Remix)2.Gyal You A Party Animal - RemixCharly Black Lyrics provided by Gyal your wine is so emotional, so wine up pon me body gyal So gyal just flip it like a flipper gyal, flip it like a flipper gyal So gyal just flip it like a flipper gyal, flip it like a flipper gyal. Intro Wow, ladies Its Charly, girls My girl come flip it like a flipagram Flip it like a flipagram Mek yuh. No worry bout your friends they are with my friends. No worry bout your friends they are with my friends Party Animal lyrics with English Translations. Me want you come wine your waistline for me Gyal me love the way that you wine for me Gyal You a Party Animal Lyrics My girl, come flip it like a Flipagram Gyal wine up pon my body gyal Gyal your wine is so emotional Baby you bubblin, you. Vamos para medallo, vamos para medallo yal Sueños con estar a solas, quitándote el traje No lo pienses más, entrégate a mí (entrégate a mí)Ĭomo tu te mueves, solo tu lo sabes hacer Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at Last.fm. Charly Black - Gyal You A Party Animal (Letras y cancin para escuchar) - Its Charly / Girls / My girl come flip it like a Flipagram / Flip it like a. Tu movimiento es algo tan sensual, yal no pares de bailar Listen free to Charly Black Party Animal (Party Animal).

Baila sobre mi cuerpo yal, muévete es un carnaval